
Skinny Turkey Wraps + Creamy Tahini Sauce

Well, guys, Christmas is over and we’re almost at 2019…which means we’ve been deep in holiday parties, baking, and neighbors dropping fudge off on our front porches. We likely have a whole lotta turkey leftovers in the fridge!
I’m a firm supporter of plenty of healthy carbs throughout our day to be used as fuel and energy…but ya know what?!! I’m feeling like a few lighter meals this time of year (especially) will do us GOOD!
These wraps are simple, light, tasty and satisfying. ALL. THE. THINGS.
I’m asked a lot about deli meat and cheese. As far as cheese goes: my family has ZERO intolerance to dairy, but we still consider dairy and cheese a condiment…something just for fun and taste on occasion. It’s NOT for nutrition or an everyday thing.


Go to the next page to get the Ingredients

Blueberry Oat Breakfast Bars

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