
Skinnier Oatmeal Cookies

I am not a stress eater, I am a stress cooker who will make lovely dishes and then not care about eating them.

I’ve baked Skinner Oatmeal Cookies twice during quarantine, but always with almond flour and either Truvia or Splenda Brown. Unfortunately, these cookies are not carb or calorie free, so I still have to be reasonable. I’ll have one or two, the rest eaten by my husband who is a sugar hound.

If you have kids, bake with them. It’s important for them to see you cook. It’s important for them to know how to cook. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOUR KIDS SEE HOW TO HANDLE ADVERSITY WHERE FOOD IS AN ISSUE AND POSSIBLY IN SHORT SUPPLY. An adult should be able to feed themselves without take out or junk food. A great lesson for your child.

Right now I am going to be that good friend who tells you the leggings *do not* look good on you – the kind of friend where you don’t get mad because you know they are right. The cookies still have calories. They aren’t a green light to snack. They aren’t HEALTHY cookies. They are just slightly lower in calories. However, they will keep you honest and out of the junk IF you are in control.

Here’s the deal. If you pay attention for the next few days and don’t keep feeding yourself excuses, you’ll be in control again. That’s all it will take. Just get a little focus under your belt and things will snowball fast in a good direction.

Skinnier Oatmeal Cookies
makes 24 cookies


Go to the next page to get the Ingredients

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