
Meatless Mexican Frittata (Featuring McCormick Perfect Pinch Mexican Spice)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray an oven-safe skillet with non-stick cooking spray, set it over medium heat and allow it to get hot.
Add peppers, tomatoes, and onions and sautee 1-2 minutes, or until softened. Add black beans and spice.
Place baking powder in a bowl and pour a little of the egg into it. Beat that with a fork until it’s incorporated, then add the rest of the egg (if you just add the baking powder to the egg it will clump).
Pour eggs onto cooking vegetable/bean mixture and spread it around until it resembles a big, flat egg pancake.
Gently stir inside the circle of eggs with a wooden spoon, but do not disturb the edges, you want them to set. Once edges set, top with cheese and place the entire skillet in the oven for about 10 minutes or until the top of the frittata is done and cheese is browned to your liking.
Cut and serve while hot!

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