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    Nik’s Berry Chicken Salad

    Forgive me, Foodies! Both for the less than ideal pic AND for totally missing the potential Independence Day connection. 🙂 Chicken is a staple in my household. And for my family – me, the two divas, dog and cat – it is most economical to buy a whole chicken rather than buying packs of chicken […] More

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    Taco Soup

    …and a lesson about self-care. Since I realize I don’t put date stamps on my blog posts, for future reference this is being posted on December 5, 2013, the day after my 37th birthday. I know many of you wonder what to do on your birthday. In a former life there was cake and ice […] More

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    S’mores Protein Pudding Pie

    Even though we’ve been experiencing fall-like weather in Baltimore over the past week it is still, in fact, summer. Which means my gut instinct is to NOT turn on the oven if I can avoid it. I have one big cooking day a week where I make or “start” a bunch of things and then […] More

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    Easy Breakfast: Spinach & Eggs

    I think I’ve said before, I’m a visual eater. And unlike when I first started this blog, I’m sort of a lazy cook now. These days I LOVE meals that don’t take long to make. This is a quick throw-together IF you are the sort of person who preps veggies weekly (I am!).   Go […] More

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    Protein Pumpkin Cheesecake Cups (featuring BariatricPal Protein One)

    So first let’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, these pumpkin cheesecake cups are the gamillionty-seventh cheesecake recipe on this blog. I am not ashamed. Especially because they are so easy. SO. EASY. Like…they are “you can happen upon this recipe on Thanksgiving morning and still make this” easy. And this recipe makes four […] More

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    Crispy, Cheesy, Garlicky Cauliflower Tots

    So let’s file this under, “technically I could have bought these from the frozen section, but what fun would that be?” Because honestly. What fun would that be? Seriously though. There are a few good reasons to make your own cauliflower tots. If you like a specific flavor to them. (For example, I like a […] More

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    The wonder and magic of Shakshuka

    It’s about time for me to admit it. I like food with unique names. Shakshuka. Like…when you say that to someone not in the know, their first reaction is, “Whaaaaaa?” And I LOVE THAT! Also, I love trying foods from different cultures. I always learn something about food and myself by doing so. That, Foodies, […] More

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    Easy Weeknight Steak Fajita Skillet

    First, a bit of terminology clarification. For me, “weeknight” in a recipe title has a really specific meaning. Because I’m not the kind of person who actually likes to cook on weeknights. However, I’m not always that person who likes to prep food on the weekends either. So weeknight meals are actually a thing in […] More

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    Protein Hot Chocolate

    Protein hot chocolate is a great option for pre and post-op bariatric surgery patients. The warmth is soothing while getting in additional protein and can satisfy sweet cravings. The key to a good protein hot chocolate is the type of protein you use and not using water or milk over 140F. Go to the next […] More

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    Skinnier Oatmeal Cookies

    I am not a stress eater, I am a stress cooker who will make lovely dishes and then not care about eating them. I’ve baked Skinner Oatmeal Cookies twice during quarantine, but always with almond flour and either Truvia or Splenda Brown. Unfortunately, these cookies are not carb or calorie free, so I still have […] More

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    Turkey Pot ‘Pie’ – Best Use of Leftover Turkey Award!

    A great way to use all that leftover turkey, is to whip up a pot pie gravy. I thought I would share my recipe that uses a store bought packet of Knorr Roasted Turkey Gravy mix as it is super fast and quite delicious. Everyone LOVES Pot Pie! No crust… But for the family this […] More

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